This is a partial restoration of the original Stargate Resistance website's final version, assembled for demonstrational purposes. I have reconstructed it as best as I could with the materials available, but many pieces are still missing or non-functional.
Firesky Steam Direct2Drive
Dev Team: Design
Jonathan Beffel
Level Designer

I was born in Naperville, Illinois where I lived for 11 years before my family moved to northern California. A few years after we moved to Santa Barbara where I attended San Marcos High School and would eventually meet my wife. Santa Barbara is an interesting town, they try to purposefully not be commercial so everything you see is unique and family run. Interestingly enough though, a lot of chain stores that started off as family run businesses have come from Santa Barbara. My family ended up moving from Santa Barbara to Arizona so we could live closer to more family.

Around this time is when I found out about Firesky. I was initially going to school for computer science and applied to Firesky to be a programmer. Through the application process I ended up meeting Mike Whiting who recommended that I go to the Art Institute of Phoenix (AIPX). From AIPX I met a lot of people and it eventually led to me getting a job at Firesky as a Technical World Builder and I have since been promoted to Level Designer.

My favorite video game would be the entire Legend of Zelda series. So far I have collected over 30 Zelda shirts and counting. I am also a huge fan of the Stargate shows and I make sure the games we work on stay true to Stargate Canon.

Harlan Brown
Studio Head / Creative Director

A Founder of Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment, Mr. Brown was responsible for the initial design of their first product, Stargate Worlds before moving on to new product development. In that role, Mr. Brown worked with such partners as NBC/Universal, Warner Brothers Interactive, Bass Pro Shops and Pinnacle.

Mr. Brown spent the previous 15 years as Producer, Project Manager, or Art Director on a variety of projects for Hollywood and the corporate world. He has worked mostly through his own company, Old Firehouse, Inc., or in direct association with other firms, as an independent contractor. For the last 6 years, Mr. Brown has been almost entirely occupied in the PC games industry, as an Art Director and Producer.

Some of Mr. Brown's Hollywood credits include the digital restoration project for the Jay Ward cartoon series, including Rocky & Bullwinkle, digital stereo reissues of The Stuntman, and Laserdisc and DVD special edition releases (including new original content) for such films as Alien, The Abyss, Rambling Rose, The Thing, The Sound of Music, Independence Day, etc.

He has produced special digital effects for projects including Muppets from Space, Battlestar Galactica, The Second Coming, and Star Trek The Motion Picture The Special Edition.

In addition to his Hollywood credits, Mr. Brown has also acted as producer, developer and manager for corporate projects for HP/Verifone and Corbin's Electric and many others.